This is a high-speed megapixel digital kamera system, based on a CMOS image sensor with global electronic shutter. Kamera has a high-speed, scalable, integrated FPGA (Altera Arria GX) and controller which enables connection to PCI-Express x4 framegrabber via Kamera Link interface (Full configuration). High speed kamera captures images with 1280 x 1024 resolution at 500 frames per second. Windowing allows to achieve reduced resolutions at higher rates. Image sequences are captured and transfered via Kamera Link interface to a framegrabber and then to computer memory. Multiple kameras can be installed on a single computer and synchronized to provide simultaneous multiple views of a motion event. High speed kamera and computer with 4 Gb RAM could have image storage up to 2,500 full size frames at full speed (more for partial scanned images).
High speed kamera is available in either monochrome or color. The kamera's CMOS sensor provides faster frame rates at reduced resolutions (up to 2000 fps at 624 x 480, 10000 fps at 240 x 180). The full-frame electronic shutter provides simultaneous exposure of the entire pixel array with exposure times ranging from 2 µs. The basic imaging program, included with the high speed kamera provides kamera controls including exposure, frame rate, region of interest, the abilty to capture and display image sequences and individual image save or print.
Essential features of high speed kamera
Frame rate 500 fps for full frame resolution 1280 x 1024
Subsumpling in Y direction to achieve reduced resolution while maintaining the constant field of view and increased frame rate (1000 fps for full frame resolution with subsumpling)
Randomly programmable ROI read out (implemented as scanning of lines/columns from an uploaded position)
High frame rate at reduced resolutions: for the region of interest 624 x 480 one can get up to 2000 fps
Kamera data rate up to 680 MB/s
Embedded 32-bit Risc processor
Read out direction can be reversed in X and Y
Non-destructive readout option
Multiple slope mode with extended dynamic range up to 90 dB
Full snapshot shutter (integration during read out is possible): at frame rate 500 fps (1280 x 1024) the exposure could be in the range from 2 µs up to 2 ms
High speed image sensor
High speed CMOS image sensor has resolution 1280 x 1024 (1.3 megapixel) and capable of 500 frames per second operation. Its global electronic shutter allows simultaneous exposure of the entire pixel array. Available in color or monochrome, the sensor has on-chip 10-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The chip's master clock rate is 315 MHz at approximately 500 fps, providing compatibility with many off-the-shelf interface components. The sensor has twelve 10-bit serial LVDS outputs. Its open architecture design provides access to internal operations. ADC timing and pixel-read control are integrated on-chip. The sensor dissipates less than 1350 mW; it operates on a 2.5 V supply. Pixel size is 14 microns square.